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6 Ways to Make Your Workspace More Productive


Updated: Nov 27, 2021

By Jennifer Post

Updated Nov 12, 2021


In this article, Jennifer Post, the author goes over the 6 things she has found to improve productivity in the workplace. Her list includes:

  1. Don't focus too much on the physical layout

  2. Create opportunities for movement

  3. Get a plant

  4. Give gadgets a home

  5. Keep your space clean

  6. Get personal

Her first tip on the list is just a reminder to not get carried away with the physical aspect of an office. You have to keep in mind that people function better in a space where they mentally feel comfortable as well. Company culture is a huge part - so make sure you have your values and vision for the company defined and your employees are aware of them. Of course, it is then also vital that the office flows well for each department and the kind of work they will be doing.

Next is all about movement. Try putting the printer across the way from the workspace, so employees are given the chance to get up and move around. It's not only this kind of movement that is meant though. It's also suggested that flexible schedules and remote work be considered as an option to change scenery.

Plants aren't just for the garden anymore. Science has backed up the many positives of having plants in office spaces. They can help in reducing stress as well as increasing productivity.

Stop the fight for your attention by having a place to put all your devices. While working, make sure you keep your phone or any other gadgets, out of sight and out of mind to stay focused on the task at hand.

Stay organized and get rid of clutter. You're unlikely to get a lot done when you are thinking about how messy your desk is. This also goes for your to-do list. Keep up to date with what needs to get done and when it needs to be done by - this will keep you productive on the right things at the right time.

Finally, make your workspace your own. Creating an emotional connection with the space you spend hours at will keep you motivated. Just make sure you don't get carried away with the personal touches, you don't want it to become clutter.


I think this article is great for many workplaces. The tips are very generalized and can therefore be applied to different settings. I will say this is probably more fitting to office settings rather than labour jobs where there is a totally different kind of atmosphere. However, even then some of the tips would still be useful - such as the de-cluttering suggestion or keeping gadgets out of sight and mind.


I'd say this is a starter article for people struggling to be productive either at home or at the office. It's been a while into the pandemic, but I'm sure at the beginning we could all use some guidance on how to set up our home workspaces. I know personally that I still struggle with the distractions of being at home, but having a designated place to do work has helped tremendously. I should listen to step 4 more though, as I always have my phone next to me and it is THE biggest distraction.


Post, Jennifer. “6 Ways to Make Your Workspace More Productive.” Business News Daily, 10 Jan. 2020,

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